뉴멜리의 보라 쿠션 REVIEW

보라 쿠션을 먼저 받아보신 뉴멜리님들과 보라 쿠션을 직접 내돈내산한 뉴멜리님들이 남겨주신 이야기! 함께 만나보아요!

accessories detail image-S72L1
After the release of the Bora Cushion, many New Mellines are showing great interest.
It is an unfamiliar purple cushion, but the purple that Amelie makes is
It seems that the conviction that it is a special color has been passed on to New Meli.

As much as I prepared for a long time, I want to be the first to show it to New Meli.
We put 20 purple cushion lottery tickets in the New Year's event gift and gave it to you.
With the New Mellines who first received the Bora cushion as a gift through the lottery,
A story left by the New Mellines who paid for the Bora cushion themselves!
Let's meet together!
accessories product image-S69L1
  • Ameli Global Co., Ltd.
  • biz@ameli.co.kr