아멜리 퍼스널 컬러 테스트, 쿨톤편

아멜리가 퍼스널 컬러 전문가와 함께 쿨톤을 나눈 기준, 함께 보시죠!

Amelie Personal Color Test
- Cool Tone Edition -
Have you tried Amelie's new personal color test service?
Based on the data Amelie has collected since the opening of the personal color test,
63% of cool tone New Melody and 37% of warm tone New Melody.
More results from Cool Tone!
Cool tone New Melody, how did I end up with cool tone?
I think you must have been very interested.
Amelie will explain in detail the criteria for dividing cool tones with a personal color expert.
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Cool Tone vs Warm Tone
Cool tone refers to the coolness of blue mixed with yellow.
If you look at the color chips below, you can see the difference, right?
If you divide it among the four colors, you can see it as pink and lavender.
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summer vs winter
Cool tones are divided into summer cool tones and winter cool tones.
In the Amelie test, 'Why are you asking this?' There must have been a part that was suspicious.
Questions about skin thickness and hair thickness, which have nothing to do with color, belong to the process of determining brightness.
The tone that matches the color of high brightness with high brightness is summer,
Winter is the tone that matches the color of low brightness with low brightness.
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Summer Light vs Summer Mute
Summer light type and summer mute type are divided into blue and dull.
You can think of it as a color that is mixed with gray.
If a clean color that doesn't mix with a dull color suits you well, it's a summer light type!
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Amelie's representative summer light color is...
There are 190 Angelblood, 219 ballerina.
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If the color mixed with dull color suits you, you will become a summer mute type.
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Amelie's summer mute colors are available in 180 Rose Rococo and 907 Coco Haze.
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Winter Bright vs Winter Dip
Winter bright and winter deep are divided by saturation.
Winter Bright Tone is a tone that matches colors with high saturation.
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For winter bright colors, there are 522 Purple Angels and 730 Rare Teens.
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Winter Deep Tone is a tone that suits deep and low saturation with low saturation.
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The best colors for winter deep new mellines are 226 sepia and 827 burgundy!
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The reason Amelie started the personal color service is of course to help you purchase products, but if you find your true color through Amelie,
I also wanted to know what I really am like.
Your choice, with Amelie!
* This content was written based on the personal color self-diagnosis test with Dahyun Heo, CEO of 'Monkkeu Color Lab'.
  • Ameli Global Co., Ltd.
  • biz@ameli.co.kr