Moderate shading, deep eyes
Pronoun of dusty mood
221 rose brown
accessories detail image-S2L1
Completely non-pearl shade shadow for intelligent eyes
The barely visible red color
It keeps the eyes from drooping.

Completely matte, dull shades of shades,
Luxurious shading shadows.

This is the color I had to buy after seeing the video of Hyerim.
I love that the color is subtle.

244 Vintage I bought this to use with Valentine's Day.
The combination of the two is so good.
It looks pretty even when used alone!

A subtly luxurious feeling with just one application

True to the name of Rose Brown
It's a rose light brown itself,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Cool tone that burns a lot of color + it's matchless
I tried several shadows with a brownish tint.
I've failed a lot...
I was so happy that this friend was so pretty ㅠ
Roskey is sweet, but about two drops of brown?
Really good item!

I bought this to apply all over my eyelids.
I like the color better than I expected.
When layered thinly, it is subtle and beautiful.
If you shade the nose with macaron gray, it's perfect,,

If you have a cool tone, you should definitely have it...
The product photo is more red than expected
I was worried because the warm feeling was strong,
The actual color is less saturated and feels cooler.

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accessories detail image-S15L2
I prepared this for those who have difficulty layering shadows.
Daily shadow compatibility without failure
221 Cocoa Beige + 222 Rose Brown
accessories detail image-S3L5
221 Rose Brown + 222 Cocoa Beige

When using the dried rose color 221 Rose Brown, try using 222 Cocoa Beige as a base. The apricot-colored beige plays the role of calming the rose brown one step further. It is stable to choose a color that excludes fluorescent light for the lip!! After applying 801 Natural Beige to the entire lip, layer the color you want on the center of the lip and there is no chance of failure!
Step Basic Eyeshadow

Silky soft texture!
Step Basic refines fine-grained raw materials to provide a silky soft texture. The soft touch that your fingertips feel first spreads gently over your eyes.

Lightly stick! Long-lasting, high-adhesion shadows
Step Basic applies a high-adhesion blinder system and a long-lasting color effect system, so it has excellent adhesion and lasts for a long time.